Divorce and Custody Issues
It is important to know your rights, and understand the law as it pertains to your situation. Many are left feeling overwhelmed and helpless. Black Hills Mediation and Law makes sure to educate and inform clients of their rights and make the process go more smoothly.
Divorce gets more difficult when visitation and custody arrangements are involved. Knowing the rights of both you and your partner during this time can help bring a quick resolution and fair custody arrangements for the children and parents. Black Hills Mediation and Law focuses on family law, and the priority is to make the process easier on everyone involved. Haven’t you already been through enough?
Dissolution of marriage can be especially traumatic for children. Our focus is to create the best environment for the child, and we want to see that not only the parents’ rights are adhered to, but that the end result is a stable and fit environment for the children. It is important to have someone on your team who is advocating for the rights and best interest of everyone—especially the children.
Black Hills Mediation and Law can help you develop a plan of action that can be addressed with the Court in a concise and complete agreement for the best interest of the minor children in compliance with South Dakota law and South Dakota Parenting Guidelines.
We can help you address some of the tougher issues faced by separating couples including domestic violence and parental kidnapping.
We can help you address some of the tougher issues faced by separating couples including domestic violence and parental kidnapping.
Domestic Abuse
Not only is Domestic Violence physical harm or endangerment, it can also include:
If you need more resources on the subject of Domestic Violence, Please see our resources page.
Parental Kidnapping
For more information on Parental Kidnapping, see our resources page.